Sunday, January 10, 2010


I am still learning how to do these posts correctly and I see that I added the same picture twice. Since the post doesn't show the pictures but rather the file location or whatever, it is really hard to delete just the one picture. Unless there is a way that I don't know..
Anyway, to add some comments to the pictures.. the first one is undeniable proof that Ily is totaly her father's child! She looks exactly like him! We laugh that all she gets from her mom is her whining and restlessness! Others are from her first few days in the world. The one where she was laying in a yellow nightie was taken up in Michigan. Ily was SO fussy one night and finally Micah told me to take her feet out of her nightie and as soon as I did, she calmed down! She is so long that anything that has feet bother her because she can't stretch her feet out all the way. She can't wear any newborn outfits that have feet because of this. She can still wear newborn onsies without feet but everything else is 0-3 months. Her newborn pants look more like capri pants on her!
I have lots of recent pictures that we have taken since we have been home but during our traveling, I lost the cord to connect the camera to the computer. So until we either find it or get a new one, those pictures will remain on the camera!

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